Being part of the race mangement crew
What a year 2021 has been!
HFP Racing’s last multisport race for 2021 was held on September 26, 2021, at Deer Creek State Park. I wanted to be a part of the action - because there is nothing like those race day vibes, especially with a year like 2021.
Given the 2 1/2 hour drive, I decided to not drive down the day of the race. I camped at the race location the night before. (Yes, I put up a tent on a grassy section where racers would pass to go through the finish line arch). It was a very chilly night, but it was a perfect way to end the season.
Race day, I wasn’t ‘just’ capturing the action on social media, but I wanted to help the crew with set up & other various roles that I was needed to assist with. Part of the crew came around 4:45a, so that is when I woke, took down the tent, & got ready for the day. I assisted with setting up the pack pick-up area, taking water bottles to the finish, setting up the finishers medal (which was a cool coaster), and gave out timing chips. When the race started I was at the swim start. As the race progressed and racers came out of the water, I went to transition and kept going back & forth to capture the action of the race. After the swim portion was over, I headed out to the bike and run course area - in-between all of that I would head to the finish area too. It was awesome running back & forth to see all the racers in action!
At the finish line, I was able to talk with a few women’s collegiate triathlon teams + general age group racers.
The day doesn’t end at the finish line because there is a lot of work to tear down a race. Even with racers out on the course, I was able to assist with the teardown of bike racks in the transition area of athletes who already finished. After the last racer, I assisted with other areas that needed to be broken down. The most fun was actually being on the back of the truck bed organizing barricades! (It was the most interesting job I have yet to do at a race).
It was awesome to spend the last race with the crew that I have met over the past months. For me, it’s important to connect with them whenever I can, especially in person. I have a new appreciation for all the hard work that they do to get a race set up & torn down.
The drive home was tough - as I was so exhausted! However, my heart was filled and I know I made the right decision to help out with the last race.
First image: Camp is set up | Second image: Race morning | Third image: Arranging the barricades on the truck bed